Friday, November 19, 2010

Paper Simulation: Fable III

    Battle your way through towns and villages, gaining followers on your way to Brownstone Castle in your quest to overthrow your evil brother and take your rightful place as King of Albion.
  • Each player places their game piece on “The Sewers” on the game board.
  • Place the ENEMY CARDS and the REWARDS CARDS.
  • All players roll one die. The highest roller goes first, play proceeds clockwise.


  • Taking turns, each player rolls one die and advance the shown number of spaces on the board.
  • If a player reaches a Village or Town they must stop and draw an ENEMY CARD and DO BATTLE with the enemy on the card.
  • If player does not defeat the enemy, player must wait until their next turn and draw a new ENEMY CARD.
  • Once the enemy has been defeated, player draws a reward card. The first player to reach Bowerstone Castle and defeat the Evil Prince wins.

    – Assorted enemies with varying amounts damage and hit points.

    – These assorted rewards can be used once to assist in doing battle with an enemy. For example, if a player is rolls a 4 damage, the player could increase that damage to 6 using a reward card like a “Fireball Spell” which adds two to damage.

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