Monday, October 18, 2010

SGD Programming: Space Shooter


This is my version of a tutorial project provided by for Unity3d as part of the CPCC SGD Programming curriculum.

Click here to play the current version of Shiny-Verse. (Download of the Unity Player may be required.)

My Customizations:
- Fixed bug from Demo that subtracts an enemy when the player is killed
- Changed main player to Serenity model
- Added roll left and right animations
- Added particle renderers to the left, right and center engines of the Serenity model
- Made the following when the player speeds up "w" button:
* background scroll speed increase
* player's engines appear to power up
- Revamped main menu with instructions, background image and the Serenity model
- Added "Main Menu" button to the In Game menu
- Added Level Display between levels
- Removed "Win" condition
- Modified so that once beyond Level 3 the max number of enemies are always generated but the enemy type is random.
- Added extra player bonus every 10,000 points.
- Expanded width and angled one of the overlay levels to add the illusion of depth on the perimeter.

Known Bugs:
- Sometimes the enemy kill count goes wrong and the Levels don't switch correctly or at all.

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