Saturday, September 4, 2010

15 Minute Board Game - Dragon's Den

Be the first to make it to the Dragon's Den and defeat the foul beast that lies within.

1. Pick your class
     - Wizard +2 attack
     - Knight +2 Defense
     - Scout +1 Dexterity ( + one to roll for movement.)
2. If defeated by the Dragon go back to the start.
3. Roll die to determine movement.
5. If you land on a creature space you must battle.

    - If two players land on the same squire they battle, higher card drawn wins.
    - You draw cards to battle the monsters when you land on the squires using the cards.
    - +1-4 means they get that amount added to the card amount they draw.
    - If you lose in battle you lose your next turn.

Designed By - April Lane, Zach Cuddy, & Adrian Palmer (in 15 minutes so don't be hatin!)

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