Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Game Type Versus Genre

In the article Game Type and Genre, the author, Lindsay Grace, defines the term "Game Type" as a "description of game play," and gives examples such as "Action", "Adventure", "Role Playing" and "Simulation". She defines "Game Genre" as a "description of the narrative content of a game," such as "Drama", "Crime", "Fantasy" and "Horror". While in general these definitions makes sense, the example game types she provides are not complete enough to fulfill her own definition of a "Game Type".

To me, a description of the player's in-game perspective is required for a good game type definition. Yet, according to Ms. Grace's article, the Call of Duty game type is nothing more than "Action". Hardly an adequate game type description for that, or any game for that matter. A better game type description would be "First Person Shooter". Add to it the the Genre and we have a perfect overall game description for Call of Duty: a "First Person War Shooter".

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