Saturday, September 18, 2010

Free Play


Fraxy is a top-down space shooter in the tradition of Asteroids but instead of shooting inbound asteroids in space, you battle crazy shaped enemy ships which shoot various types of laser weapons in a flattened 3 dimensional grid.

Was the game a challenge, fun, entertaining? Why?
- Yes, because of the cool kaleidescope type enemy ships which come in lots of different shapes and shoot cool laser beams. Instead of being in space, like asteroids, you are in a Matrix like grid.

Does the game have replay value?
- This game has limited replay value because it main task (shooting crazy looking spaceships) becomes repetitive relatively quickly. I may play it 5-7 more times at most and I don't see myself wanting to ever play it for more than 15-20 minutes at a time.

Is this game story driven or game play driven?
- Gameplay driven, there is no story. It's just a space shooter like asteroids, except the asteroids shoot back.

How is the game's presentation?
- The graphics are pretty cool, but it has no sound, at least none that I could hear. The game is played on 3d looking grid, but the gameplay is 2d

How are the Controls? Describe the Game's Feel
- At first I was using the default controls and found it awkward to play. However, after switching to the my preferred W-S-A-D configuration the game became quite nimble.

Any other special features you enjoyed?
- Nothing special, just a space shooter. Like asteroids on steroids.

On a scale of 1-10 how would you rate the game? Why?
- I'll judge it for what it is, a really cool, mildly addictive little shooter that is easy to play and has cool and unique graphics. I give it 7 Shiny Fireflies.

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